Views: 22 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2018-06-01 Origin:
New Customs Policy! Manifest Rule Changes on Import & Export!
China Customs has released Order No.56 to adjust inbound manifest rule which is to take effect on 1th June,2018.
Some adjustments are made on the outbound pre-manifest,for example:
1.The complete and accurate cargo information must be submitted to China Customs electronically 24 hours prior to loading on board vessel sailing to/via/out of Chinese ports.
2.Shipper’s TAX ID,shipper’s contact number,consignee’s company name as main data in the pre-manifest are adjusted to be mandatory fields.
3.All commodities under bills of lading must be declared in the manifest completely and accurately. China Customs will implement Negative List Management on the declared commodities. Any in-conformity to Customs regulation will be rejected.
Many shipping companies have issued related announcements as well. And customers are required to provide accurate and complete shipping instructions before the documentation cut-off time as published on shipping companies’ websites.
What changes will this adjustment bring about?
As for cargo imported into mainland China or transited through mainland China, the complete and accurate manifest data of the cargo must be sent to China Customs via electronic data 24 hours before shipment, June 1st, 2018.
对进口至中国大陆或经中国大陆港口中转的货物而言,如装载船舶的预计离港日期为2018年6月1日及之后,货物的完整、准确的舱单数据必须在装船前24 小时前通过电子数据发送给中国海关。
What’s the meaning of complete and accurate manifest data?
The names of all cargoes under the bill of lading shall be clearly and completely declared on the manifest, and the data items for the adjustment of the new manifest include:
1.USCC of the consignor
发货人代码 (为必填项)
2.Phone number of consignor
3.Enterprise Code of the shipper
发货人的AEO 企业编码(为选填项)
4.Name of the consignee(or write down “To ORDER”in specific situation)
收货人名称(为必填项,请填写实际收货人名称;如果收货人为凭指令确定收货人即TO ORDER,这里必须填写“TO ORDER”)
5.USCC of the consignee(If the consignee is “To ORDER”,then USCC is not required)
收货人代码(仅在有实际收货人时填写;当收货人为TO ORDER,这里无需填写信息。)
6.Phone number of consignee(If the consignee is “To ORDER”,then contact information is not required)
收货人的电话号码(仅在有实际收货人时填写;当收货人为TO ORDER,这里无需填写信息)
7.Name of the consignor(or write down “TO ORDER”in specific situation)
发货人的具体联络人姓名(仅在有实际发货人时填写;当发货人为TO ORDER,这里无需填写信息)
8.Enterprise Code of the consignee
收货人的 AEO 企业编码(选填项,有实际收货人时可填写)
9.USCC of the notify party is needed if the consignee is “TO ORDER”.
通知方的代码 ( 当收货人为 TO ORDER,此项为必填)
10.Phone number of the notify party is needed if the consignee is “TO ORDER”
通知方的电话号码 ( 当收货人为 TO ORDER,此项为必填)
Will the violations in the Manifest Fling be punished?
Penalty ordinance have been established by the Customs with regard to the violations in manifest filing. Name of ordinance is "The Implementation Ordinance of Administrative Penalty of the Customs of the People's Republic of China", which was issued and became effective in 2004.
对于舱单申报中违规的行为,海关已经制定了处罚条例。条例名称为《中华人民共和国海关行政处罚实施条例》,此条例于 2004 年发布并生效。
Does the procedure lead to the disclosure of the clients’ information?
The procedure of new manifest adjustment does not lead to the disclosure of clients’ business sensitive information.
Sensitive data items added to the manifest (except for the name of the consignee) shall not be shown on the bill of lading issued by the carrier. After the manifest is sent to the customs, the customs staff must protect the trade secrets and secrets relevant to customs work in accordance with the law.
承运人签发的提单并不会显示这些新增至舱单的敏感数据项 (收货人名称除外)。舱单发送至海关后,海关工作人员依法须保护商业秘密和海关工作秘密。
The June 1st is coming, in order to make sure the goods go through customs smoothly, please pay attention to the registration of new manifest, and keep the goods from being detained!
This is where a batch of steel meets more than one specification or grade. It is a way of allowing melting shops to produce stainless steel more efficiently by restricting the number of different types of steel. The chemical composition and mechanical properties of the steel can meet more than one grade within the same standard or across a number of standards. This also allows stockholders to minimise stock levels.
For example, it is common for 1.4401 and 1.4404 (316 and 316L) to be dual certified - that is the carbon content is less than 0.030%. Steel certified to both European and US standards is also common.
There are many different types of surface finish on stainless steel. Some of these originate from the mill but many are applied later during processing, for example polished, brushed, blasted, etched and coloured finishes.
The importance of surface finish in determining the corrosion resistance of the stainless steel surface cannot be overemphasised. A rough surface finish can effectively lower the corrosion resistance to that of a lower grade of stainless steel.
Various types of stainless steel are used across the whole temperature range from ambient to 1100 deg C. The choice of grade depends on several factors:
In the European standards, a distinction is made between stainless steels and heat-resisting steels. However, this distinction is often blurred and it is useful to consider them as one range of steels.
Increasing amounts of Chromium and silicon impart greater oxidation resistance. Increasing amounts of Nickel impart greater carburisation resistance.
Austenitic stainless steels are extensively used for service down to as low as liquid helium temperature (-269 deg C). This is largely due to the lack of a clearly defined transition from ductile to brittle fracture in impact toughness testing.
Toughness is measured by impacting a small sample with a swinging hammer. The distance which the hammer swings after impact is a measure of the toughness. The shorter the distance, the tougher the steel as the energy of the hammer is absorbed by the sample. Toughness is measured in Joules (J). Minimum values of toughness are specified for different applications. A value of 40 J is regarded as reasonable for most service conditions.
Steels with ferritic or martensitic structures show a sudden change from ductile (safe) to brittle (unsafe) fracture over a small temperature difference. Even the best of these steels show this behaviour at temperatures higher than -100 deg C and in many cases only just below zero.
In contrast austenitic steels only show a gradual fall in the impact toughness value and are still well above 100 J at -196 deg C.
Another factor in affecting the choice of steel at low temperature is the ability to resist transformation from austenite to martensite.
It is commonly stated that “stainless steel is non-magnetic”. This is not strictly true and the real situation is rather more complicated. The degree of magnetic response or magnetic permeability is derived from the microstructure of the steel. A totally non-magnetic material has a relative magnetic permeability of 1. Austenitic structures are totally non-magnetic and so a 100% austenitic stainless steel would have a permeability of 1. In practice this is not achieved. There is always a small amount of ferrite and/or martensite in the steel and so permeability values are always above 1. Typical values for standard austenitic stainless steels can be in the order of 1.05 – 1.1.
It is possible for the magnetic permeability of austenitic steels to be changed during processing. For example, cold work and welding are liable to increase the amount of martensite and ferrite respectively in the steel. A familiar example is in a stainless steel sink where the flat drainer has little magnetic response whereas the pressed bowl has a higher response due to the formation of martensite particularly in the corners.
In practical terms, austenitic stainless steels are used for “non-magnetic” applications, for example magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In these cases, it is often necessary to agree a maximum magnetic permeability between customer and supplier. It can be as low as 1.004.
Martensitic, ferritic, duplex and precipitation hardening steels are magnetic.